Monday, December 30, 2013

My Lipstick Obsession

 Every girl has her favorite obsessed beauty product whether it's the blush she brushes against her cheeks, or her cat eye liner she paints across her lids to give herself a distinguished look of sexy sophistication. I for one am a victim in my own right and if anyone should ask me what is my favorite beauty brand? Without hesitation I would most definitely respond "The Lipstick". Lipstick is my toxic obsession because I am a sucker for colors and my lips. Whenever I'm brushing across my foundation and lining my eyeliner or whatever other makeup I'd apply I would save the lipstick application for last because I like the grand finale of putting on my lipstick and watching my whole face pop with such color and brightness. When I visit the drug store, online stores or stores like Sephora or Ulta I become so vulnerable to the colors as they stand out on display. Selfishly I want them all for my own private collection of just having the pleasure to choose from one color to another. I can't afford to take all of the colors home so I narrow the best colors that would look good for my complexion so I buy maybe four or five colors at a time. I war with myself as something inside me says "buy all five."" Buy just one.You have enough tubes of lipstick sitting at home in your makeup kit." "Snap out of this shrewd obsession and get a hold of yourself Michelle." Ignoring the good voice inside my head I go on and buy all five. As I leave the store a sense of guilt rains down over me and settles in my stomach as I start to think of turning around and heading back into the store to get my money back and do some good with it like saving it or contributing to some charity. Once again I ignore the voice and continue on as I take the lipstick home and pile them in my makeup kit with the rest of my unopened lipstick. I know, I know, I probably need to seek help but maybe once this phase leaves and I realize how big my collection is I Will do some good like donating some of the unopened tubes of lipstick to a woman's shelter or giving some away to the girls in my family or maybe I will just keep them for now. After all you only live once.
Dusty Rose Classic Color Lipstick is a natural rose shade. Best on lighter to medium skin tones. Great for everyday use. The most delectable lipstick with a semi-matte finish ...

Saturday, December 14, 2013

My Social Media Confession

  I really had to re-evaluate some people on facebook and really decide if there friendship was worth my time here on social media. I mean spare me. I could careless what you bought at the grocery store or what brand of toothpaste you use in the morning. I mean this social network has become a confession for every aspect of peoples lives and its quite boring. I'm starting to think if I was better off in the dark ages when I wasn't a member of facebook because REALLY I'm not missing nothing at all because it is more hype than anything else. Whatever happened to real conversations that stimulate the mind? What are you most passionate about or do you think you can do a better job running the country and if so how would you go about doing that? I mean save me the small talk because its relatively getting old. I'm not trying to be rude or obnoxious but you can't help but to think why are people confessing every move they make on this thing called Facebook. You requested my friendship now what? I would rather have 5 good quality  friends ( and that goes for family to) whom I connect with than to have an overload of miscellaneous people that I know nothing about or who's just ranting on and on. Save me the jibberish. I had to really evaluate some folks because for one I don't use profanity and theres nothing worse than to open up your page and find a slew of nasty talk dancing across the screen of your Facebook page. It's immature and its tacky. It's probably best to rid some folks and if you rid me I definitely won't take it personally because its better I know who to siff out and we won't waste each others time on here. I hope you have a blessed and interesting day!!
 This was my confession that I posted on Facebook today in which I had to think who was worth my  friendship. I believe Facebook has become a haven where people confess there every move and its really become a serious epidemic. I'm starting to wonder are people that lonely that they have to tell all of there business to the point where they are talking about there sex lives or other things that might be personal. It's quite sad.

Monday, December 9, 2013

The Holiday Season

 The wonderful holiday season!  It puts you in great spirit and gives off something in the air that makes the season very special. The shopping, the music, the family and friends, the traveling,etc. The holidays are a time for good cheer however there's a since of melancholy that fills the air because this is not only the season for presents and gift giving but there's something about the end of the year that seems to weed out and leave behind the ones we love. People die everyday but there's like a certain call for people in which they tend to die out most around the holiday season. Every year I say a prayer for loved ones that they will be protected and that they will be brought into the new year. I know, but that's just a habit I have because of the end of the year. Though that tends to happen a lot I try not to wrap to much of my mind around death and the holiday seasons because there is nothing we can do to stop what God has for us on this earth. But I must say, you can't help but to get a little teary when you hear the New Years song and think of all those who didn't get to see the New Year. I guess that's why I'm not too particular on getting a gift for Christmas because I would be more thankful to have the gift of another year. I guess that's why counting your blessings is very important and to not overlook the things that matter most like saying " I love you" or doing something special for someone.  Don't get me wrong I enjoy the holidays but there is always that thought in the back of my mind that tells me to enjoy today as though it were my last.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela

Today we got the news that former South African president Nelson Mandela has passed away at 95. I was in my car tonight on my way home from work when they announced it over the radio. The first thought that entered my mind was "now I will never meet this amazing leader that has contributed so much to the world." I thought about it for a second and came to realize that what Mr. Mandela believed in which was love instead of hate, I can transfer that onto my children someday. He was a very humble man in which he had such a peaceful way about himself. When I would see this man on television or the internet I read such great things that he has given to society. I can one day tell my children that Mr. Mandela was a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary who was imprisoned and then became a politician who served as President of South Africa. He was the first black South African to hold the office, and the first elected in a fully representative, multiracial election. When I see a photo of Mr. Mandela I will think of a man who had a vision in which he was able to carry out that vision to bring peace to South Africa. I love you Mr. Mandela and all that you've taught me I will carry out throughout my life here on earth. Thank you for your love.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Government Shutdown

What is going on with our government? Many people are not very happy about this government shut-down and hopefully something can be done soon about this matter. I'm scared to turn on the news or read my phone messages regarding all the current government topics of what's going on in Washington. Can or will they get it together? I'm not going to point the finger at anyone because it's going to take all of them to pull together and fix this dilemma that's been going on for days now. I, like everyone else want answers and as citizens of America we all should have better treatment from our government officials than this. People are depending on the government whether it is to eat, veterans benefits or for employment. This cannot continue and God-willing there is a solution to this problem. There has to be.