Monday, December 30, 2013

My Lipstick Obsession

 Every girl has her favorite obsessed beauty product whether it's the blush she brushes against her cheeks, or her cat eye liner she paints across her lids to give herself a distinguished look of sexy sophistication. I for one am a victim in my own right and if anyone should ask me what is my favorite beauty brand? Without hesitation I would most definitely respond "The Lipstick". Lipstick is my toxic obsession because I am a sucker for colors and my lips. Whenever I'm brushing across my foundation and lining my eyeliner or whatever other makeup I'd apply I would save the lipstick application for last because I like the grand finale of putting on my lipstick and watching my whole face pop with such color and brightness. When I visit the drug store, online stores or stores like Sephora or Ulta I become so vulnerable to the colors as they stand out on display. Selfishly I want them all for my own private collection of just having the pleasure to choose from one color to another. I can't afford to take all of the colors home so I narrow the best colors that would look good for my complexion so I buy maybe four or five colors at a time. I war with myself as something inside me says "buy all five."" Buy just one.You have enough tubes of lipstick sitting at home in your makeup kit." "Snap out of this shrewd obsession and get a hold of yourself Michelle." Ignoring the good voice inside my head I go on and buy all five. As I leave the store a sense of guilt rains down over me and settles in my stomach as I start to think of turning around and heading back into the store to get my money back and do some good with it like saving it or contributing to some charity. Once again I ignore the voice and continue on as I take the lipstick home and pile them in my makeup kit with the rest of my unopened lipstick. I know, I know, I probably need to seek help but maybe once this phase leaves and I realize how big my collection is I Will do some good like donating some of the unopened tubes of lipstick to a woman's shelter or giving some away to the girls in my family or maybe I will just keep them for now. After all you only live once.
Dusty Rose Classic Color Lipstick is a natural rose shade. Best on lighter to medium skin tones. Great for everyday use. The most delectable lipstick with a semi-matte finish ...

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