Thursday, December 5, 2013

Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela

Today we got the news that former South African president Nelson Mandela has passed away at 95. I was in my car tonight on my way home from work when they announced it over the radio. The first thought that entered my mind was "now I will never meet this amazing leader that has contributed so much to the world." I thought about it for a second and came to realize that what Mr. Mandela believed in which was love instead of hate, I can transfer that onto my children someday. He was a very humble man in which he had such a peaceful way about himself. When I would see this man on television or the internet I read such great things that he has given to society. I can one day tell my children that Mr. Mandela was a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary who was imprisoned and then became a politician who served as President of South Africa. He was the first black South African to hold the office, and the first elected in a fully representative, multiracial election. When I see a photo of Mr. Mandela I will think of a man who had a vision in which he was able to carry out that vision to bring peace to South Africa. I love you Mr. Mandela and all that you've taught me I will carry out throughout my life here on earth. Thank you for your love.

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