Monday, December 9, 2013

The Holiday Season

 The wonderful holiday season!  It puts you in great spirit and gives off something in the air that makes the season very special. The shopping, the music, the family and friends, the traveling,etc. The holidays are a time for good cheer however there's a since of melancholy that fills the air because this is not only the season for presents and gift giving but there's something about the end of the year that seems to weed out and leave behind the ones we love. People die everyday but there's like a certain call for people in which they tend to die out most around the holiday season. Every year I say a prayer for loved ones that they will be protected and that they will be brought into the new year. I know, but that's just a habit I have because of the end of the year. Though that tends to happen a lot I try not to wrap to much of my mind around death and the holiday seasons because there is nothing we can do to stop what God has for us on this earth. But I must say, you can't help but to get a little teary when you hear the New Years song and think of all those who didn't get to see the New Year. I guess that's why I'm not too particular on getting a gift for Christmas because I would be more thankful to have the gift of another year. I guess that's why counting your blessings is very important and to not overlook the things that matter most like saying " I love you" or doing something special for someone.  Don't get me wrong I enjoy the holidays but there is always that thought in the back of my mind that tells me to enjoy today as though it were my last.

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