Saturday, December 14, 2013

My Social Media Confession

  I really had to re-evaluate some people on facebook and really decide if there friendship was worth my time here on social media. I mean spare me. I could careless what you bought at the grocery store or what brand of toothpaste you use in the morning. I mean this social network has become a confession for every aspect of peoples lives and its quite boring. I'm starting to think if I was better off in the dark ages when I wasn't a member of facebook because REALLY I'm not missing nothing at all because it is more hype than anything else. Whatever happened to real conversations that stimulate the mind? What are you most passionate about or do you think you can do a better job running the country and if so how would you go about doing that? I mean save me the small talk because its relatively getting old. I'm not trying to be rude or obnoxious but you can't help but to think why are people confessing every move they make on this thing called Facebook. You requested my friendship now what? I would rather have 5 good quality  friends ( and that goes for family to) whom I connect with than to have an overload of miscellaneous people that I know nothing about or who's just ranting on and on. Save me the jibberish. I had to really evaluate some folks because for one I don't use profanity and theres nothing worse than to open up your page and find a slew of nasty talk dancing across the screen of your Facebook page. It's immature and its tacky. It's probably best to rid some folks and if you rid me I definitely won't take it personally because its better I know who to siff out and we won't waste each others time on here. I hope you have a blessed and interesting day!!
 This was my confession that I posted on Facebook today in which I had to think who was worth my  friendship. I believe Facebook has become a haven where people confess there every move and its really become a serious epidemic. I'm starting to wonder are people that lonely that they have to tell all of there business to the point where they are talking about there sex lives or other things that might be personal. It's quite sad.

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